1. Login into your Organization Admin Dashboard (for the EVeritas Phishing Detector).

A screenshot of a login screen

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2. Select Organization Admin.

A white rectangular object with a black border

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3. Select Payments in the left menu bar.

A screenshot of a computer

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4. In the drop-down menu, click Billing & Subscriptions.

A screenshot of a computer

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  1. In the Payment Information, provide your name and email address.
  2. Click Plan and select your subscription plan: Monthly or Yearly.
  3. Specify under Quantity the number of end-user licenses; the price will automatically be displayed under Total.
  4. Click the PayPal icon to proceed to payment.  Though payment is done through PayPal, a PayPal account is not required, and payments can be done using credit cards.

After completing the payment, the next thing you should do is assign the purchased licenses to users in your organization.  If this is a new subscription, you’ll receive an onboarding email that will guide you through such process.