Configuring your personal blacklist settings in eVeritas Phishing Detector gives you flexibility and additional capability in preventing unwanted email senders from reaching your inbox. Follow these simple steps to add or remove an email address to your personal blacklist:



  1. In your email client, open an email message.
  2. Click on the eVeritas Add-in icon A close-up of some toothpaste

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  3. Click the gear icon . This icon provides additional settings.
    Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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  4. Click Blacklist Configuration.
    A screenshot of a computer

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  5. Type the email address of the unwanted sender and click Add.  This will ensure that any future emails from this address will be classified as spam and automatically moved to the junk folder.

    A screenshot of a computer

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  7. If you wish to remove a sender from your blacklist, locate the sender's email address in the blacklist settings and click on the trash icon. 



Taking control of your blacklist preferences reduce significantly the risk of unwanted or malicious emails reaching your inbox and  help improve your experience with eVeritas Phishing Detector.